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Please take a moment to answer a few questions that only you should know
In 2019 you had an auto loan with which of the following financial institutions?
- Bank of America
- First National Bank of Omaha
- Hometown Bank
In January of 2020, your monthly mortgage payment was between:
- $450 – $550 per month
- $550 – $650 per month
- $650 – $750 per month
In January of 2020, your annual household income was:
- $50,000-$100,000
- $101,000-$199,000
- $199,000-$500,000
In January of 2020, your monthly household spending was:
- $450 – $1,000 per month
- $1,500 – $3,000 per month
- more than $5,000 per month